21. December 2024


Vesterbrogade 32

1620 København V

Tlf.:  +45 33 43 70 00

Fax: +45 33 43 70 01
E-mail: forening@danskeadvokater.dk


As member of the Association you will also have access to our group network in the LinkedIN internet portal. Here you can find other members of the Association, view areas of expertise and contact other members of the Association to exchange experience, ask questions and participate in discussions.

The intention is that, in time, the group will function as an active discussion forum for our members. However, the activities of the group will depend on the participation of the users.

Join our group today 

Participation in the network group is conditioned on continued membership of the Association.

Sidste nyt

Den 16. januar kl. 15.00-18.00 Danske Advokater, Vesterbrogade 32, 1620 København V Du inviteres til et spændende arrangement med oplæg af tidli
Foreningen af Procedureadvokaters specialepris blev i 2024 uddelt til Troels Mikkelsen, der har skrevet speciale om ”Pligten til at begrunde afgør
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